Saturday, January 3, 2009

Reunion Fun

so the reunion finished this morning, i think it is safe to say that everyone had a blast! there was 29 kids with the oldest being 16 and the youngest around 1 year old, and then the adults were Ron and Wendy (papa and grandma - Rob's parents), Loren and Gina, Craig and Carla, Eldon and Aimee, Carl and Michelle, Karelle and Adam, Tim and Brigit and Rob and I. i was very proud of myself cause i remembered all the kids names. so here's wat we did

Mon - we around around late afternoon and set up camp, i was in a room with Eldon and Aimee's girls - Rebekah, Hannah and Emma. and rob was in a room with Tim and Brigit's kids, Aaliyah, buddy and Jane. we had to supply our own dinner so we had some hot chips and then just let the kids run.. so this place that we went to had a ropes course and 110 meter long water slide going down the hill and a flying fox that was a little longer, an archery area and lake to do canoing, some trampolines, pool tables, rock climbing wall, tables tennis, Foosball, basketball court and LOTS of land, and we had the whole place to ourselves.

Tues - we had a go on the water slide and the flying fox, even papa and grandma Wendy went on which the kids thought was really funny! then came archery and the ropes course, rob and i missed out cause i had been up all Mon night sick and needed some sleep and rob got up early in the morning to try and find a chemist for me. then we had dinner and the kids watched a movie while the adults were talking, then we got to watch iron man and the kids went to bed.

Wed - we had a another go at the water slide cause the pump broke and then went canoing, there was a little island in the middle of the lake that we raced around. then we all headed down to the local YMCA pool and scared everyone one else out of the pool by starting a whirlpool, or so i heard, i was still sick. wed night we had two countdowns, the staff had turned the clocks forward so at 12.00 (9.00) we had a countdown for the kids then they went to bed, and the adults started a big fire and we had the proper countdown while roasted marshmallows on the fire.

at 4.00 in the morning on Thurs, we all woke to the fir alarms we all jumped out of bed and grabbed the kids and headed out to the field all in our PJ's to find that there was no fire and it was just a false alarm. needless to say it was hard to get the kids back to bed after that!

Thurs - we had a rest day, the kids got up and had some fun on the trampolines and the basketball courts and so on and in the afternoon we had the amazing race, Adam had planned it and man it was so much fun. we had the proper clues and detours and road blocks and everything. i write more on that later, we also had a talent show that night, i think that was a highlight for everyone, i will put photos up every soon.

Fri - we spent packing up and just relaxing, it was a VERY fun filled week and we were all so tired. we spent the end of the night in the little cottage, having hot Milo and talking about plans for the new year.

Sat - we left, Carl and Michelle live in Queensland, Carl and some of there girls drove down and Michelle and the others flew down....Craig and Carla drove from south Australia...Loren and Gina, Eldon and Aimee, and Ron and Wendy all live and drove from lapstone in NSW and Karelle and Adam, and Tim and Brigit live here.

i have to say the food was great! we got six meals a day, breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper.
here's the website

so I'm still recovering and will post more with photos as i start to thaw out... it was very cold..
i am now very much looking forward to catching up with my family

love you all

1 comment:

The Ormsbys down under said...

We're looking forward to catching up with you too! Glad you had such a wonderful time, looking forward to seeing your photos and seeing all the clues etc for the amazing race. Hope you're feeling better?? Love you, Mum