Tuesday, December 23, 2008

awesome day!!!

so i finally did my Christmas shopping today, i no its late i had to wait for money to come through, so anyway got 100.00 dollars worth of jewellery on sale, only paid 25 dollars!!!! hehe i love a sale

and then the whole family went to south bank for a Christmas tradition of watching the fireworks, this year the theme of the fireworks was Christmases around the world, they had Christmas songs playing in languages from around the world with the fireworks timed to it, it was beautiful!

and even better south bank had a carnival on and rob being the manly man he is won me the biggest toy..... and i mean the biggest....a big yellow elephant....bigger then freyr!!! hehe pics coming soon

well gotta go me, whit and Rachel have done our face masks and are now going to do our nails or watch a movie or something.

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