Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Like A Virgin!

Like a virgin, blogging for the very first time!!!!!!! haha

so there's a few ppl that i no that have been using this site and ive been checking there blogs to catch up with them, they are the ormsby's (my brother nathan and his family - they live in utah) the williams (kirt, ashlee and lil spencer - freinds of rob and mine who moved to melbourne) and the nightingales (family freinds who moved to japan)

so i thought that i would create a blog not that my life is that exciting but its not boring either, i mean i work at movieworld, i get plently of funny ppl stories just from that! well heres where i sign off for the first time, i'll probably write again today and post some photos and things but i right now i wanna see what else i can do with this thing

love you all long time
-Jaime Ormsby

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