Monday, October 29, 2007

Dedicated To Our Special Butterfly Freind.

Picture this, a beautiful Sunday afternoon drive, the sun is out and there are butterfly's all around.
We (Rob and I) return home from our drive to set up his new t.v. (another story for another time.)
Unfortunately we had the upsetting experience of finding that we had hit one of the butterfly and it was now stuck to the grill of the car!
It was still alive so we became on the spot paramedics and worked to save the poor butterfly soul.
We couldn't touch the wings so we had to work with other elements, I will spare you all the details but unfortunately there was nothing else we could do, the butterfly fought hard to stay alive but to no avail.
We had a same, simple but beautiful little funeral for the little one and we hope it Rests In Peace.

(note: this is in all seriousness, I begged rob to try and save it but we couldn't)

love you all long time
-Jaime Ormsby


Anonymous said...

Hey don't worry about it to much. There are probibly a few more you killed along the way that you never found. At least it wasn't a half dead koala you tried to reveive. lol

ash_w said...

Kurt Spencer and My thoughts are with you at this time. It's hard losing animals and insects. We just lost our dog Mortie about 2 months ago. And my mum still cries. When she looks at another dog. Love you heaps
(this is in all seriousness aswell)