Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Catch Up

So I'm 21!!! I had two awesome party's and got spoiled for presents. Rob got me a beautiful charm for my charm bracelet, its a treble clef and two musical notes. Elly and Rick got me a 21st necklace and since i can only wear it as a necklace for the year that i am 21, I'll get it put on my charm bracelet after. Grandma and Grandpa gave me some money and so did Auntie Naomi and Uncle Glenn (in form of a gift card). My friends Sarah and Fiona gave me the DVD Set of Season Seven of That's 70's Show, and Eliza gave me another 21st charm on a key. So the family party was on the Friday night which was my actual birthday and then the other party was at Jupiter's Casino on the Gold Coast. Rob actually rented an awesome hotel room for that night so after meeting up with all my friends at the casino we went up to the room and hung out and caught up. Allot of the people that came were people that i went to school with that i haven't seen since graduating in 2005, so it was great to catch up with them all and I'm looking forward to there 21st!!

Rob and I are moving to a new place, we're moving north of Brisbane into a two bedroom unit with air conditioning and a dishwasher (those were a must for rob - he's so picky! ha ha). So i pick up the keys the night before Rob's birthday on the 27th and since i know that he wont read this before then I'll tell you my plans. He thinks that I'm going to cook him a nice dinner in our new place on the Friday night but I'm gonna surprise him, I've got some of his friends and family to come over and surprise him when he gets home from work, i can't wait!

The only other news that i really have is that I've been getting better depression and anxiety wise, it will be a while longer before I'm completely better, but i just feel so much better already and have allot more good days then bad days. its allot easier to get out of bed and do stuff, i have been told that i have to wait a while before i go back to full time work but I'm all clear to do part time work and I'm thinking about studying to maybe be a counsellor at schools? still not sure but I'm looking into it.

well that's all that i can think of right now, I'll put up some photos next time i post.