Thursday, June 5, 2008

We were tagged: finally its our turn!!!
(Robs answers are in blue, mine in green) . . .
A) Four places I go over and OVER,

1. jaimes house Work (Movieworld)
2. city Robs house
3. shops toilet
4. toilet aldi

B) Four people who e-mail ME the most:
1. my brother a joke a day
2. my mother facebook
3. ebay quickfliks
4. my boss rob

C) Four of my favorite foods:
1. mexican mexican
2. roasts boost juice
3. diabetes cake (thats the violet crumble choc cake) steak with roast veggies

4. Char siu fun mums lasagna

D) Four places I would rather be right now:
1. europe bed
2. melbourne usa
3. on a cruise ship New Zealand
4. in a home that i own melbourne

E) Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. gladiator enchanted
2. supertroopers hairspray
3. monty python and the holy grail the princess bride
4. happy gilmore monty python and the holy grail
and now i tag kurt, ashlee and spencer!!!!

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